Finally!!! Its time for ME'... owh mighty Max to take over the SSLA blog, it is all Mine!!! Mine!!! All Mine I tell you!!! Kwar kwar kwar!!!
"Owkie enough with the crappy lappy and making a fool out of myself session..."
First of all, I would like to thank everyone who voted for me as the webmaster in the new SSLA board committee. "Owh this is certainly a touching moment~~~!!!"
Second... I need suggestions from the committee members and SSLA members on what to write about in order to KICK our blog back alive!!! You guys are free to leave any comments, criticisms (but make it relevant lar...) and anything regarding about our blog. I will definitely will blog about the Charity Concert soon, that's when Mell (the Charity Concert photographer) hand me all her photos to me. Or maybe I could simply just steal it from her facebook myself... “Hahaha!!!”
I wanna make a change in our blog, make it more fun, and make it sillier and more energetic like the most of us. That is why I need all of your help in bringing this blog back Alive!!!
"Let's share our craziness to the world,
Let's kick start SSLA blog!!!"
Yours truly,
Yem Meng Max
Yem Meng Max